Clayton wrote:
On 07-Apr-10 14:43, wrote:
Yes, there should be some free [and easy] methods of converting PDF back
to an editable document. MS Word 2000/2003 ".doc" format would be OK
since OOo reads/writes that format very well, and MS users will have
no troubles excepting it as well. It would be nice to see converters go
directly to ODF formats instead of MS ones, since ODF is the
International default, while MS is just a want-to-be.

In a sense, what you're wishing for already exists. is not just for importing PDF into Draw fro minor editing. This extension also adds in the Hybrid PDF functionality.

"A hybrid PDF/ODF file is a PDF file that contains an embedded ODF source file. Hybrid PDF/ODF files will be opened in as an ODF file without any layout changes."

So, if you use plus this extension, and create Hybrid PDFs, you will be able to "open" the PDF and edit the embedded ODF file and export it again as a Hybrid PDF.

I am not looking for the docs to go into draw, but Writer. When you have multi-page documents that need its text to be edited or the graphics to be updated, then using Draw might not do the job. Do you use Draw to create multi-page documents? Do you use it to edit Writer documents? Draw may be OK for simple, simple, edits, but not making the bigger changes like adding large amount of text or inserting missing graphics and rearrange the text around it.

So Yes we need a converter or importer to allow Writer to work with the PDF file content.

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