At 21:32:41 on Friday Friday 28 May 2010, Barbara Duprey <> 
> Stan Goodman wrote:
> > At 20:16:11 on Friday Friday 28 May 2010, RA Brown
> >
> > <> wrote:
> >> Stan Goodman wrote:
> >>> At 15:56:55 on Friday Friday 28 May 2010, John Kaufmann
> >>> <>
> >>>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>> In a message dated 2010.05.28 03:39 -0500, Stan Goodman wrote:
> >>>>> I see the problem now. Although the printer is set for A4 paper,
> >>>>> the ruler at the left of the OOo window shows that the page
> >>>>> length is 24 centimeters, i.e. Letter size. What do I have to do
> >>>>> to reorganize the page?
> >>>>
> >>>> What is your Page style (F-11, click on Page icon)?  In that
> >>>> style, what is the specified page size (Page tab, "Format")?  If
> >>>> "Letter", change to "A4".  Or, if you just want a one-time change,
> >>>> go via the menu, Format>Page.
> >>>
> >>> I do not find a Page icon though I have examined all of them at the
> >>> top of the window, but I made the change in the menu. But I do want
> >>> A$ set globally; does this icon have another name? Where is it?
> >>
> >> When you press the F11 key a window pops up, usually on the right
> >> side of the screen, this is the "Styles and Formating" window.  The
> >> forth icon from the left of the window is the "Page" icon that was
> >> referred to in the prior post.
> >
> > I can press F11 anywhere, and it opens the window as you say. But the
> > fourth icon from the left of the main  window is: "Opens a new window
> > in your default email program with the current document as an
> > attachment...."
> >
> > More importantly, I do not understand why I am not getting printed
> > page numbers. To be clear, I am looking at pages from 2 on, not at
> > the first.
> >
> >> Andy
> It definitely sounds as if the problem is with the physical printing --
> all the non-physical aspects work as expected (print preview, PDF
> creation, screen display), and even PDF printout (probably with scaling
> enabled). You'll need to make sure that your bottom margin is deep
> enough for the page number to fit in the printer's printable area.

Here are the pertinent numbers from the Page formatting dialog:
Size:           A4
Height:         29mm
Top margin:     25.01mm
Bottom margin:  12.51mm

And from the Footer dialog:
Footer ON
Use dynamic spacing
Autofit height
Stan Goodman

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