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On 30/07/10 18:05, webmas...@krackedpress.com wrote:
> On 07/30/2010 12:39 PM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
>> On 30/07/10 17:28, webmas...@krackedpress.com wrote:
>>> On 07/30/2010 12:12 PM, Gordon Burgess-Parker wrote:
>>>> On 30/07/10 16:56, Earl Melton wrote:
>>>>> Greetings All,
>>>>> I am new to Linux and this is my first post to the forum. Hope I
>>>>> do it
>>>>> right. While I have often used OOo Writer and Calc in Windows, I
>>>>> had
>>>>> never opened Base. The subject line was going to read, "Did Base
>>>>> not
>>>>> come with Ubuntu?" because there was no way to start it. I
>>>>> played with
>>>>> Synaptic, though, and now have access to Base. In starting my first
>>>>> file, it immediately asks me, "Do you want the wizard to
>>>>> register the
>>>>> database in OpenOffice.org?" My question is, Why would I want to do
>>>>> that? I answered No because I don't really see the need. Would
>>>>> one (or
>>>>> more) of you more experienced users please enlighten me? Many TIA!
>>>> If it's an address database then Open Office can use that for
>>>> mailing
>>>> labels and such like...
>>> I do not see the database as an option in my Ubuntu version of OOo.
>>> It is grayed out of the menu screen.
>> When you say "greyed out" in the Menu screen, where EXACTLY are you
>> looking?
> The Welcome to
> OpenOffice.org "menu"
> that lists two columns of document types, plus templates and open a
> document.
> The same place you get to when you are in Writer and X out of the
> current document.
> The Database Icon was grayed out
> I solved that problem myself - I think
> I had to go back to the Synaptic Package Manager and browse
> everything associated
> with "openoffice".  Even though there was an OpenOffice.org package
> with a greened box,
> I checked everything that was shown to belong with an English
> version of OOo.  It seemed
> that there was an OOo package shown that did not have a greened box.
> I do not know if I would tell anyone else to do it this way.
> That was a surprise since OOo is installed by default with OOo.  I
> cannot install it from the
> OOo site's deb files since there is a menu conflict.  Stopped trying
> with Ubuntu 9.10.  I wait
> for the repository to do the updates, and see it once in a while.
> So, for some reason, the installed version of OOo would not list the
> Database part as a functional
> option to use.  That was surprising to me.  I did not know there was
> a flavor that had the Database
> turned off.  The one that comes with Ubuntu 10.04 sure did.  I will
> have to recheck my latest Windows
> version to see it as well.  I hardly use the Database anymore, as
> well as the initial menu that comes
> with 3.x, but was not there in 2.x.
> Someone out there should know what this was all about.

The default Ubuntu install doesn't include Base. (That's what you
should have looked for in Synaptic).
However, the Ubuntu install ALSO has a huge bug that doesn't allow
external Addressbook sources to be used as registered databases.
(See this bug here -
If you want to be able to use addressbooks in OO from Thunderbird for
example, then you need to remove the Ubuntu install of OO and replace
with the latest version (3.2.1) from Openoffice.org.
Follow these instructions here: http://www.muktware.com/news/08/2010/164
They are very good and clear. I've just done this a short while ago
and it's quite easy and I'm no Ubuntu guru!

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