Il 26/08/2010 18:59, RA Brown ha scritto:
Barbara Duprey wrote:
On 8/26/2010 3:55 AM, Carlo Strata wrote:
Hi Everyone!

in my head:

- the term "moderated" means that someone/a software appliance reads
the mail and change something in it to make message more "soft for
human eyes" (moderate it!) *before* send it to the list; this is a
behavior that *all* posts (sub and unsub) may be subjected (!!!);
this happen in the lists all over the world;

On this list, and the others for OOo, it means only that the sender is
not subscribed and that a human is deciding whether to pass the
message along to the list. There is no team that reviews all messages
prior to their going to the list, and no message text is ever changed;
AFAIK, the moderators could not do so, they can only pass or reject
the message in its entirety. It may be possible to set up a structure
and a team that allows the kind of activity you are referring to
(though almost certainly not while we're using CollabNet/ezmlm), but
so far there have been very few people who will do the current
moderation, and increasing their responsibilities at this point seems
unlikely to help with that.

One other thing that needs to be pointed out, when you start
"moderating" text you become responsible for the content of the
messages. Removing complete message because of spam is one thing
changing text is a whole different legal problem.

The list is either a "carrier" or a "Content Provider". The legal
aspects are different.


I think here we were discussing two things:

- how to avoid list lost (!), thread lost or thread break, when subscriber answer to a non subscriber post; I think all of us agree to avoid this (if you accept the non subscriber post, for the thread content richness and usefulness, it is also convenient to grant thread integrity); how to change things to reach this is a list admin and moderator technical task;

- solving or not the first thing, if the term [moderated] is appropriate/suitable to suggest people what the mailing system does related to a non subscriber post so that they can choose what they want to do answering that post. My previous mail was meant to say no: the term is not suitable, is not appropriate! Barbara explain that the term is used to indicate that "the mailing system knows the sender is not a subscriber but for some reasons/rules decides to forward in the same way the 'external' message to the list". Perfect, ok, but this doesn't help people (non technical people: the most ones!) to best behave and avoid first point trouble. Does it? My suggest were made only to address this trouble, improving the tag/term clearness.

Finally, none want here to modify the message content, I was only speaking about (my) moderated mean.

Il 26/08/2010 17:07, RA Brown ha scritto:
> There is one item added by the software for moderated message and that
> is a header line  "Delivered-To: moderator for".
> That is what I and others use to "tag" the message as from an
> unsubscribed poster.
> Andy

I understand this, it's ok, but the clearness for normal (non technical people), always addressing the first thing above (!), is still loosen: there isn't.



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