I can think of many reasons why "things work differently in Writer and Draw", but I am neither a developer nor a programmer on the project so I would be offering only opinions rather than facts.

I suggest you pose your question on the Dev list. There you will find people who can provide the details that will make a complete answer.


Johnny Andersson wrote:
I tried this just a minute ago:

The two objects can't be grouped in Writer since there is no way to select them both at the same time. So I tried the same thinn in Draw and it worked great.

Now I selected the gruop, then Ctrl-C. Now I started Writer and then Ctrl-V and there it was, grouped and ready for futher treatment. Then I ungrouped and thought that I was back to the same problem again, but no! Suddenly I was able to group and ungroup as I liked, in Writer! A bit odd I think, or maybe not...

Is there really a reason why things work differently in Writer and Draw in the first place?

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