Hi-thanks for the tips-Iam going to try once more-the message I get says done and shows a Java torch light-then nothing happens-I have windows Xp-sp2. ----- Original Message ----- From: "Joe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <users@openoffice.org>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, August 02, 2005 1:03 AM
Subject: Re: [users] [moderated]

1) You contacted us at the right place. If you actually subscribe to this list, you'll be able to see all the answers you get to your questions (but it is a fairly high volume list with a lot more than 100 emails on some days.)

2) I am on a slow dialup line and have downloaded OOo once or twice successfully. You just start it at night and get it the next morning, etc. when it's done. Also, it helps a lot to use a download manager such as Wellget on Windoze or wget on Linux which are both designed to be able to resume downloads where they left off if you have to stop them in the middle or if you lose your connection.

3) To get a good answer, you need to state your problem as precisely as possible including what operating system and version you are using e.g. (Windows XP SP2 or Mandriva Linux 10.2) and what version of OOo (e.g. 1.1.4) you are using. Once that's out of the way, tell us what you're trying to do, what steps you took to do it, and what results (desired or undesired) you got including error messages, if any. I know that sounds like a lot of work, but if you do it, the first reply you get may solve your problem, sometimes within a few minutes of posting your question! Otherwise, it may take several back and forths (and a lot more time) before someone understands your problem enough to give you a good answer.

4) If you just want the software on a CD, there are a number of places that will sell you one at a very nominal cost. There's a huge worldwide list of them at


My personal preference (USA), not listed there, is www.edmunds-enterprises.com. Their prices are ridiculously low, they ship first class mail, and I usually have disk in hand in two days.

5) As far as java goes (this is for OOo 1.1.4 and earlier), it's a separate download (something like 17 MB) from Sun and if you don't install it, everything works fine except a few wizards that depend on it. You can even download it later and add it using jvmsetup. For OOo 2.0 and all the beta's (1.9.xxx), I understand it's a different story. These releases need java for more basic functionality (I'm not very clear on that because I'm at 1.1.4 until 2.0 is actually released.)



slgordon wrote:

I don't know really, how to contact you for help, but I have used this wonderful site for several years now. I am on Verizon dial up and can no longer download this program. I would apprciate any help you can give-I've tried with and without Java. Thank you very much-Steve Gordon

"Why shouldn't truth be stranger than fiction? Fiction, after all, has to make sense." -- Mark Twain

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