
Anthony Jones wrote:
My Grandson has been writing a book and has so far achieved 68 pages.
This he recorded on my computer and in turn he then recorded on to a Disc and took it to his home in Spain. Upon applying this disc to
his computer it fails to work, and having kept this document on my
computer I then e mailed the 68 pages to him in Spain. When he
received it he has failed to open the document, so I told him to
download Open Office, which he did.   It still fails to open the
document though he now has Open Office on his Computer. Can you
please help ?

Perhaps, but some more information will be needed before any sensible help could be offered:

* are you sure that your grandson has downloaded AND INSTALLED OpenOffice.org? (I know that may sound silly, but people have been known to omit that step...) * how exactly is he attempting to open the document? by double-clicking it in its folder? In OpenOffice.org, by File > Open? in some other fashion? * what EXACTLY happens when the document fails to open? are any error messages issued? what do they say? (this is VERY important) * in what format has the book been saved? (what extension does its file have?) * what OpenOffice.org version has the book been created in, and what version does he attempt to open it with? what operating system are we dealing with at both ends?

Best regards,
Andrzej Sawula

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