On Sunday 14 August 2005 10:32, + Anthony Jones wrote:
>  [ MODERATED ] ********************
> My Grandson has been writing a book and has so far achieved 68 pages.  
> This he recorded on my computer and in turn he then recorded on to a
> Disc and took it to his home in Spain.   Upon applying this disc to his
> computer it fails to work, and having kept this document on my computer I
> then e mailed the 68 pages to him in Spain. When he received it he has
> failed to open the document, so I told him to download Open Office, which
> he did.   It still fails to open the document though he now has Open Office
> on his Computer. Can you please help ?

Hi Anthony,
 We need some more information :
What version of Openoffice.org are you using ?
What version of Openoffice.org is your grandson using ?
What format did you save the file in (i.e. what was the file extension of the 
filename ) ?
What was the exact error message your grandson saw ?

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CPH : openoffice.org contributor

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