Verner Kjærsgaard wrote:

Søndag 20 november 2005 13:55 skrev Wangshanpo:
Craig Herman wrote:
The word f**k and the expression "f**k up" are in the dictionary and
thesaurus.  Is it possible to remove these?  I have tried, but I have
been unsuccessful.  I would like to use these at my school, but with
these words in the dictionary, I don't think that will be possible.

Craig Herman

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Aren't there some mornings you wish you'd stayed in bed :-( .

In Europe, we can still smell the fumes from the piles of burning books of the thirties. We learned a lot. So editing the dict and thrs files of OO is in my opinion a bit the same. What words are the next in line to be removed?

I had a bit of a think - and a bit of a worry - about this, and I began to suspect that, in an educational setting, the problem may not be solely one of profanity. Was I the only child who spent ages looking through the dictionary for 'naughty words'? I think not.

It would not take long for students to discover that the dictionary and thesaurus contained all these wonderful words they mustn't use, and hours of sniggering time-wasting would ensue as they attempted to track them all down. This is no great problem with an old-fashioned book, but if the little darlings are using their school's computers, in the school's time, it creates problems for other, more earnest seekers after truth, so that they have wasted not only their own time, but their fellow-pupils' and their teachers'.

Schools should be able to edit the tools appropriately for the age group they deal with. What the children do at home is their own or their parents' problem.

It was just a thought.
Sue Manley

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