Keith Bates wrote:
On Tue, 14 Mar 2006 17:57:48 -0500
EJones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I guess I can get along without the function.  (At least for now) (:>

Well I guess it's how you look at things.

But if you define the styles you need at the beginning of the process,
even if it's something as basic as Headings, Line 1, Bold para. or
whatever, it actually becomes VERY quick then to apply those styles
whether you import it as plain text or not.

For example, I used to do overhead masters for songs in church. We had
up to 4 styles on a page... title, author, verse, chorus and copyright.
each had variations on justification, font, size and indents.

I would import those either from the internet or occasionally a CD Rom,
and it was literally less than a minute then to apply a style to each
section. Compare that with what it would take to individually apply the
fonts, sizes, indents, bold or italic or whatever.

This is not exactly the same as your situation but it is very similar.

Believe me, I have used WP in the past and messed around with Reveal
Codes, but the whole style paradigm is much better- once you learn to
use it.  I highly recommend that you look into styles especially if you
are going to produce a document of any length or complexity.

You make a case for styles that I can agree with if you use the same style all the time. It takes time to learn and create (and how to create) the styles you want.

As this discussion in the past has indicated. Create the styles you want/need and then remove all the styles in your imported document and apply your new styles. What do you do if you don't use the same styles between documents? You want to do something unique.

Styles are great for businesses that have and want to work with set standards. Reveal codes are better for the one time only people (like me). Lack of reveal codes is a deal breaker for some people as well. We have people around here that won't use MS Office either because there is no reveal codes.

It would be nice if OOo could provide the best of both worlds. But I am a dreamer. :) Now if I could just get some time to learn how to create custom styles in two minutes or less. I have tried the macro for revealing the codes in OOo.

Robin Laing

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