Jonathon Blake wrote:
Robin wrote:

After thinking about this overnight, I would like to see a dialog
box that reveals the details of the formatting at the cursor

Otehr than each style that is currently being used is displayed in
its own line, rather than own box, how does your proposal differ
from what is currently available?

It is a summary box that does not require changing the focus and active window. Something that allows me to move my cursor through the affected text to find out why my text is not doing what it is supposed to. Why I cannot get the default style to change the particular attribute. What is causing it.

Font: xxx Font style: xxx

font can change ccording to the numbering, pragraph, or charcter
style that is currently being used.

when you import multiple formatted documents, highliting and

the style doesn't always work, and in my experience, hardly works.

Highlight the affected text, then ">Format >default" save the document, then highlight the text again, "<CTRL F12> >Appropriate
 style type >Appropriate style".

I tried this and it didn't work on multiple occasions. Now I may not have set the correct style as my status bar told me that I was using the default. At least a default. As I am learning, there are multiple defaults to set, not just one.

In most cases, I cannot think of any formatting before the
document is completed as I have no idea what will be included
until much later.

Content and markup are unrelated, and all attempts to put the two together are doomed to failure. [Now I see why you are such a fan
of reveal codes.  That function is purely because people don't
udnerstand that markup and contents are two totally discongruent
things, and should have zero links between them. ]

But markup as you put is is important when you are importing
documents.  In some cases, the format (as I understand markup) is
important and must be as close to the original as possible.

Import a list. Import a table. Import a string of numbers. Import a form. Are you saying that all the formatting should be removed and forgotten about?

Many people pulling information from many sources.

It doesn't matter how many sources, or what markup those sources

And wont let me change it in any way through the styles, at least
not in a way that I have already learned.

Set the character style to default, then set the numbering style to
 default, then set the paragraph style to default.   [An operation
that is much easier, and faster to do, than describe.  But it does
require that one know the attributes of each style that one uses.
And which styles re implicit in which styles.  ]

Don't forget to add in the create the necessary styles to achieve what
you have to achieve. This is the biggest problem with styles. You have to know what the individual styles do. You don't need to setup a style in WP before you edit a document. I ask, why do I have to know what each style does before I can edit a document? Why do I need to remove all the present formatting of the document I am importing before I can format it? This makes more of a case for reveal codes.

I feel that OOo has the ability with the inclusion of a styles
indicator box that could display the properties for the
particular point that the cursor is at.  Add in the ability to go
to the individual styles used at that point, would provide almost
the same functionabilty as Reveal Codes within the framework of

And just how does that differ from what is currently available from
 within OOo, and _not_ installing the "Reveal Codes" macro?

Show me the link to a dialog box that puts all this information in a
quick and easy to scan dialog box that allows me to watch it as I move
my cursor through the text I am working on.  Something that does not
require me to move my focus window to a different dialog.  As I said,
the macro does not allow me to do this. Something that allows me to continue working without removing my fingers from the keyboard until I need to.


jonathon -- Ethical conduct is a vice. Corrupt conduct is a virtue.

Motto of Nacarima.

I see have seen the same headaches in Word. This is why people are at work are starting to use LaTeX even more. They need to see why their document has suddenly changed after applying some formatting or moving a paragraph. I don't know how many times you hear someone swear and scream at this but I hear it on average once a month. One person has started using OOo and is finding it much better in it's formatting that his version of Word.

Are you against making OOo even better? In my case and my wifes case, we have both found styles to be a hindrance to productivity.
Robin Laing

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