"Jallan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
: Max G. Kluth wrote:
: > The beauty with the codes was that you could see exactly what went on
: > and how. And it was especially beautious <sic> that one could "search
: > replace" the codes for a quick and dirty job. Try that with styles. I
: > so I know. But in different programmes, of course.
: I have tried it with styles.
: I currently work with a text processing program used to drive mail
: merges on high speed printing. It uses formatting codes. And, I have
: used search and replace within it to replace codes on occasion.
: I have also used search & replace in MS Word and OOo Writer to find and
: replace styles. On can also search for combinations of attributes.
: Does searching and replacing styles not work for you in OOo Writer?
: Jallan

Oh yes, it does. It's just not "quick and dirty". Sometimes I simply like
rough trade.


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