On Sun, 2006-06-25 at 23:18 -0700, NoOp wrote:
> G. Roderick Singleton wrote:
> > On Mon, 2006-06-26 at 01:32 +0300, Andrius Aštrauskas wrote:
> >> On Sun, 25 Jun 2006 16:49:56 -0400
> >> "G. Roderick Singleton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> 
> >>  
> >> > I have not seen what you describe. If you look at
> >> > http://documentation.openoffice.org/manuals/OOo2.x/user_guide2_draft.pdf
> >> > or the Setup Guides you will see they load quickly and internal
> >> > cross-references are honoured. So, I suggest that you enter an issue
> >> > into Issue Tracker as this is the best way to have problems such as
> >> > this evaluated.
> >> 
> >> Certainly I'll do that. It'll only take a while to modify the files -
> >> I cannot send the one's I work with.
> >> 
> >> But first about the users guide (it's the file we both have now).
> >> 
> >> All four levels are displayed on opening - is this intended behaviour?
> >> 
> >> The links in table of contents don't work. Should they?
> >> 
> > 
> > They do on my system using xpdf or acroread. 
> The users guide TOC links do _not_ work on my system using Adobe Acrobat
> Professional v.7.0. They also do _not_ work in Adobe Reader 7.0. or
> Acrobat 4.05c.
> The http url's in the document _do_ work Acrobat & Adobe Reader 7.0.
> They _don't_ work in Acrobat 4.05c simply because I've turned that
> feature off.

I think you have a local problem. You are aware that the TOC links are
bookmarks. If this is not what you want, then please file an RFE against
the code as the documents are generated using stock OOo. To enter an
Request for Enhancement (RFE) into Issue
Tracker, as this is the best way to have requests such as this
evaluated, follow these instructions:

If you haven't already registered, do the following:

     1. To file an issue you must register with OOo by clicking the
        My Pages tab and selecting the Register link
     2. Fill in your information
     3. Reply to the confirmation email that will be sent to the address
        you provided. 
     4. Once you have confirmed, go to www.openoffice.org again
     5. And click on the "My Pages" tab from which you can file and find

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. It is important that you file
any examples with the issue to ensure your need is understood.
OpenOffice.org Documentation Co-Lead

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