I am using v 2.0.2 Open Office. The platform is WindosXP Professional. I am
a Hungarian speaker in an English speaking country. To use special
characters amounts to a chicken pecking at grains. Is there a keyboard
short-cut system where (sorry to say: as in Microsoft Office) keyboard
charcaters can be combined with either ALT or CTRL keys to facilitate easy
sellection of special characters on an English key-board? This would allow
easy flow of typing without having to purchase a keyboard from another

There are bi-lingual users and such short-cut facility would be a god-sent.
e.g. a short cut run by either visual basic or C++.:

รก = CRTL + ' + a

This would stop me using MS Office altogether. At the moment I am writing
text in one, past and copy into Open Office to have it spell checked.

Yours faithfully



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