RBL wrote:

Is this utter lack of response the great online support that OOo evangelists so highly tout?

I have been trying to find an answer to this problem for weeks, but can't find a solution anywhere, including here.

Time to click "uninstall" -- because a word processor that can't do spell check or thesaurus is brain dead.

Perhaps it IS time to click uninstall, but only to re-install, because, as so many have said before me, "It works for me." The problem, my friend, appears entirely with your install, so my advice is to uninstall, then re-install.

As for the help, please remember we are all volunteers, and we can only speak on what we have experience with. I wouldn't say you've had an "utter lack of response;" you've apparently had a range of suggestions and tried them all. Reinstalling makes perfectly good sense to me.

And if you decide it isn't worth the effort, well, that's your decision, too. Freedom is all about being allowed to make a choice, as opposed to being told you must use a specific product.

I wish you luck with any decision you make.

Alan Frayer
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