Chuck wrote:
Ross Johnson wrote:

Hogwash. When you start a job you are told what software the company
uses and there is no option to use another alternative because you like
it better. This is standard practice.  Why should that change just
because it's MS Office? What do you think would happen if an employee
starts a job where the corporate standard is MSO but they decide they
want to install and use OOo instead? I'll tell you. First time around it
would be a warning and the software would be removed. Second time they'd
be in the unemployment line.

Even allowing the option to install MSO in the case cited is bending
over backwards to accomodate the employee and it should be made clear
that it is not supported.

The problem some times is Corporate headquarters has lost touch with the workers and productivity.

In our local department LaTeX is used quite a lot with locally made templates. OOo is being used by those that don't like LaTeX and have had to spend days redoing work that MS-Office has screwed up.

Corporate has made moves to standardize on MS products but that really affects the ability of people doing the actual work so it only lasts for a short while. As the corporate wants to be international and ISO certified, it is getting harder to demand the use of Office when ODF is an ISO standard. At least in the sense of saying that they don't want to support and ISO standard.

Robin Laing

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