On Wed, Sep 20, 2006 18:08:46 PM -0400, Fred A. Miller

> College campus' are "full" of Linux.

That's true only in ICT courses, isn't it? Never heard of, say,
literature students running away en-masse from what they still find
preinstalled on almost any new laptop.

> When these students graduate, they will go into the workforce
> wanting to have Linux on servers AND their desktops and of course,
> OO.

They sure will want Linux on their office desktop too, but *being*
able to actually install and use it is an entirely different matter.
OpenOffice and Linux aren't really usable, for example, in all
companies where there is a heavy use and circulation of complex
(formatting wise) .doc files

> The revolution WILL happen......just might be delayed a year or two.

I do hope you're right, but this is the same thing Linux users were
saying in 1996, when KDE and Gnome appeared. Counting on software and
students growing up won't be enough, I'm afraid.

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