I use the Alt+Q combination to close the console because it likes to keep Ctrl for other purposes.

I suspect Alt is required by OpenOffice to access its menu.

There is an Alt keyhandler for writer here: http://homepages.paradise.net.nz/hillview/OOo/

I've never used it because I avoid using Writer. If I had to do a lot of wordprocessing, I'd get something else.

All these learned gents referring to RFC 1855! For the hignorant among us, where does we find that (should we want to, which we don't at present, being otherwise occupied)?

James McKenzie wrote:
[message rearranged to comply with RFC 1855]

SandyU wrote:
 On Friday, September 22, 2006 8:54 PM [GMT+1=CET], Cor Nouws
It allows Shift and Ctrl either separately or together, but not Alt.
Is this a bug?
AFAIR, this is because of the multi OS architecture, since Alt-key's
are not that easy available on Linux.
If that's the rationale, it's misguided since key bindings on a Linux
desktop can be customised to make ALT key handlers available to

Actually, I could not find the ALT key as bindable under the Mac OS X
version.  I suspect that this is the same for most UNIX variants as the
ALT key is not available to applications in most version of UNIX.


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