James McKenzie wrote:
As I stated, I know that sending with TB does not work with Mac OS X and
it does work with Windows. If it does not work anymore after installing
2.0.3 under Linux, I have one question. Did you file an Issue then? I
know that an issue is outstanding with Mozilla about not being able to
invoke Thunderbird using the same method to start the Mail program under
Mac OS X.
I also agree that it is a regression to loose functionality between one
version and the next. I've dealt with this before with other programs.
Again, I like you are a simple user but you use Linux and I use Mac OS X
on a daily basis. You and I do not use Windows XP, which is what the
original poster was complaining about. This is definitely mixing
apples, oranges and pears (in other words the fix for one will and
should not work for the other two.)
My suggestion: If you are having problems with the Linux release, then
file an issue. Keep track of that issue (I do). If the issue is passed
off to another software vendor, get the issue for that vendor and track
it. I know the issue with the Mac OS X version is definitely caused by
Thunderbird and its cousins and not by the way that OpenOffice.org
attempts pass attachments and to start up the program.
James McKenzie
James, I think you have misunderstood. I said I was a mere contributor
meaning I do not have a problem.
This thread seemed to be firing in all directions. As a result, James
Knott for one seemed to lose track of what was being discussed. I
pointed that out.
I did not install 2.0.3 for the same reason I am not going to install
2.0.4. I have never had a problem with either and intend to keep it
that way.
There were enough issues to be going on with BEFORE the last two
releases. And still needing to be fixed.
I'll keep my powder dry until I see something worth spending time on. I
don't see recent breakages as being in that category.
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