RBL wrote:
Thomas w. Cranston wrote:
Are you happy w/how fast it starts up. How about how fast you can open a document. If so, what OS are you running it on. What kind of tweaks? How much RAM are you using?

I would like to be able to speed up OO. I really hate having to wait on it to start, load, etc.

Make sure the OpenOffice QuickStarter is loaded in your Startup group, if you are on Windows. It preloads OOo components.

You can also "cache" the apps by simply loading a document or sprweadsheet, etc., at startup.

Lastly, get a faster computer, and/or add RAM to your PC, and/or tune your VM. I have a 2GHz Sony laptop with 2G RAM, and OOo opens damn near instantly (and I can post a video to document it).

The same tricks work for MSFT Office, too.

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I run OO on 2 identical computers. One w/FC5, the other w/Win 98SE.

They both have ASUS A7N8X-X mobo, AMD Athlon 1.2 gig CPU, and 250 MB RAM. I am guessing my 1.2 gig PC is as fast as a 2 GHz laptop, unless you did a very good job tweaking it. Of course that much RAM should wake up the dead.

Do you have any recommendations specific to the Linux box?

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