On Wednesday 01 November 2006 11:37 am, Peter Hillier-Brook wrote:
> Harold Fuchs wrote:
> >> Not relevant, but thanks for the thought. It put me on the right
> >> track and revealed, at least in my case, that this user
> >> shouldn't be allowed out without a keeper:-)
> >>
> >> The penny - sorry, cap - dropped when I realised that you can't
> >> drop a cap when there is nowhere for it to go! If there aren't
> >> enough lines in the chosen paragraph then nothing happens, other
> >> than the apparent field shading around the character for
> >> dropping and the spacing to the following characters. This
> >> latter effect might be a bug in that, if the cap can't be
> >> dropped, should any of the effects be applied?
> >
> > Another user in need of a keeper; perhaps we could watch out for
> > each other;-)
> I was in the deep south last weekend, but I didn't see you:-)
> Peter HB

     Be vary careful in saying what is not relevant until you have 
explored all of the available options of the suggestion. You might 
have missed what you think is a combination of option.
     As I understand it, you want the first letter of a paragraph to 
be much larger than the rest of it. You also want it to extend below 
the first line. And finally, you want the second line and perhaps 
more lines to wrap to the right of this letter.
     First of all, this would seem to require a frame with the letter 
in. Then set it to wrap text. That way you can use the font you want 
and add a graphic background if you desire.
     As far as using the Character style "Drop Caps", consider this. 
What type of print drops below the rest of the line? Subscripts. So 
if the proper size font is chosen, Subscript is chosen, "Raise/lower" 
is adjusted, you get a letter which will extend above and below the 
top and bottom of the rest of that line. However, it will not allow 
wrapping of the rest of the text of that paragraph.


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