---- Original Message ----
From: Larry
To: Harold Fuchs
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 2:53 PM
Subject: [users] Re: Finding Several Numbers in Calc (was Re: [users]

> Hi Harold, and thanks for the info.  Unfortunately (what am I doing
> wrong here?) when I entered my search numbers:
> ^3$|^7$|^10$|^22$|^35$|^49$ according to your suggestion, the only
> result I get is it finds only the first number "3".   
> Please assist, if you don't mind.
> Thanks
> Larry
> -------Original Message-------
> From: Harold Fuchs
> Date: 12/20/06 04:04:02
> To: users@openoffice.org
> Cc: Larry
> Subject: Finding Several Numbers in Calc (was Re: [users] [moderated]
> ---- Original Message ----
> From: Larry
> To: users@openoffice.org
> Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2006 5:18 AM
> Subject: [users] [moderated] YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE
>> Hi, I am using version 2.0.4 of OpenOffice.org. My problem is:
>> I have a spreadsheet with many columns/rows all cells containing
>> numbers only.  I use the "Find and Replace" function, enter a
>> specific number and it locates it without problem.  My question is,
>> how can I search [using Find and replace] for several numbers all at
>> once rather than just one number at a time?  I've tried entering
>> several numbers in the Find and separating them with spaces, colons,
>> semi-colons, etc., but nothing seems to work.  Is there any way I can
>> do that?
>> I would appreciate any assistance you can provide.
>> Thanks,
>> Larry
> You need to use Regular Expressions. In the Find dialog, click Mre
> Options and then check the Regular Expressions box. Now, to search
> for, let's say 100 or 200 or 300 enter ^100$|^200$|^300$ using
> vertical bars between the numbers (on my UK keyboard, the bar is
> above the backslash) and surrounding each value with a caret on the
> left and a dollar sign on the right. If you want to search for values
> with decimal points, say 35.67 you need to precede *each* decimal
> point with a backslash so, in this case you'd enter 35\.67   - all
> the previous rules still apply: bars, dollars and carets.        
> To understand what is happening, please read about Regular
> Expressions in the Help and in the user documentation. 
> Harold Fuchs
> London, England

Are the numbers displayed as integers on the screen? Trying to find "^7$" (no 
quotes) if the actual value shown is 7.3 won't work; if you want to find seven 
or seven point something the easiest way, although not the most concise, is to 
find ^7$|^7\..*$   The second part of that, after the bar, is caret 7 backslash 
dot dot asterisk dollar. Note the two dots - "\." means "an actual dot" and 
".*" means "any number, including zero, of any character".

Are the numbers the results of formulae in the cells you are searching? If so, 
the technique doesn't work and I'm afraid I don't know how to do what you want. 
Anybody ???

Also, what version of OOo are you using and on what version of which Operating 
System? It is conceivable that Regular Expressions are broken in some versions.

Harold Fuchs
London, England

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