Daniel Kasak wrote:
> John Meyer wrote:
>> Playing devil's advocate here for a moment, if you really want to go
>> head to head with MS Office, sooner or later you're going to have to
>> face the behemoth known as Outlook.  Without it, it will be Microsoft
>> Office vs. OpenOffice + some random e-mail client.  Get the drift in
>> terms of unified products.
> Ha!
> Open-source products don't compete in the same way as commercial
> products. The OpenOffice developers, for example, don't care whether
> you use Thunderbird, Evolution, webmail, or whatever, as long as you
> have a decent list of alternatives. There is no incentive ( a
> dis-incentive, in fact ) to continually reinvent the wheel. If there
> are good open-source email clients around, why should more developer
> time ( which is sorely lacking, by the way ) be wasted on
> YetAnotherEmailClient?
> Get the drift in terms of open-source products.
One thing they might want to do, is list email apps that work well with
the OO "Send as E-mail" function.  For example, I've found that, on
Linux, Thunderbird works well, but Seamonkey doesn't.

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