Using the same link as that mentioned by Joe Connor, I had no difficulty
downloading and installing Ghostscript 8.54 on my XP boot (I chose the file
despite having an AMD64 machine, as my XP version is 32-bit); thereafter I
had no difficulty downloading Scribus itself, and it seems to function as
expected. One thing that strikes me as strange, however, is the following
note on the Scribus on
: «
*The correct .exe name for Ghostscript is gswin32c.exe, not
gswin32.exe.*Setting this properly will avoid error messages on start
up and Scribus will
auto-detect Ghostscript's location on install.» From what I can see,
installing Ghostscript 8.54 as per the above means that two files,
gswin32.exe and gswin32c.exe, respectively, are installed under
C:\Program\gs\gs8.54\bin, so that the note seems supernumerary. Am I missing
something here ?...


2007/5/5, Joe Conner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Use the url:

John Boyle wrote:
> To John Meyer: The Windows download for Scribus says you have to
> download Ghostscript 32c.exe for the correct version, but Sourceforge
> does not list it, that I can see. Where does one find the correct
> GhostScript? <<SNIP>>

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