On Thursday May  03 2007 4:38 pm, Sandra Carr wrote:
> Hi, my name is Sandra and my computer has just been fixed.  I have
> documents on openofficeorg.1.1 that I can not open.  My question is
> if I download the updated version, will I be able to open my
> existing documents or do I need to download the 1.1 version. 
> Please call me at 209-832-5351 or send an e-mail. Thank you, Sandra

     Sorry that this is a few days later than you wrote your email. 
The mail server was down for a period of time causing a backlog.
     The answer to your question is that you should download the 
latest version from http://download.openoffice.org/2.2.0/ as it will 
open your existing documents with no problems.
     The file format has been modified somewhat since 1.1 to what is 
not the recognized open document format. However, you have a choice. 
You can keep you documents in their original formats or convert them 
to the new format which is now an internationally recognized one. 


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