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Tanggal Wed, 16 May 2007 22:45:41 -0400 Penulis Richard Detwiler
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> menulis email dengan judul Re: [users] [moderated]
YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE seperti tertera di bawah ini:

>> I am using the 2.0 version of openoffice.  However, I've downloaded  
>> Microsoft Office Word as well, and would prefer Word to be my
>> primary word  processing program.  My problem is that when I create
>> a document in Word,  it is saved in Open Office, which doesn't have
>> some of the editing features of  Word.  The question is how do I
>> make Word the primary without removing  OpenOffice? 
>> Thanks,
>> R. Smith, JR.

I think what you mean is that OO has been set as the default
program and is OO opening your word document. OO can open word documents
and as has been mentioned does NOT save in OO´s native  format. 

What you need to do is (I assume you are using some version of windows)
is right click on a word document. Then choose (from the menu) open
with ----> choose program. 

Select Word and then click the little box below that says ¨Always open
with this program. 

I have attached to graphics that show you what it should look like
(variation can be expected in differing windows programs - if you are
using win98 let me know)

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