Howard Coles Jr. wrote:
On Thursday 17 May 2007 06:06:13 am James Knott wrote:
I am using the 2.0 version of openoffice.  However, I've downloaded
Microsoft Office Word as well, and would prefer Word to be my primary
word  processing program.  My problem is that when I create a document in
Word,  it is saved in Open Office, which doesn't have some of the editing
features of  Word.  The question is how do I make Word the primary
without removing  OpenOffice?


R. Smith, JR.

You have  received an email from The Elder Robert E. Smith, Jr. Senior
Pastor of the  Tabernacle of Hope Church of God in Christ, 2946 Grant
Road, Columbus, Georgia.  We want to remind you that the blessings of the
Lord maketh rich and add no sorrow with it. God's choicest blessings be yours.
It's curious that a pastor would use stolen software.

I imagine that he didn't mean "download" in the internet since of copying it down from a remote server. He probably meant that he installed it from a CD. Many folks who aren't as well versed in the terminology get this confused.

Judging from the spam I receive, there's a lot of pirated software available for download. Also, if you follow this list long enough, you'll see occasional messages from people looking to download Word or other MS Office apps and thinking is the place to do it.

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