On Wednesday 16 May 2007 07:43:20 pm [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I am using the 2.0 version of openoffice.  However, I've downloaded
> Microsoft Office Word as well, and would prefer Word to be my primary word 
> processing program.  My problem is that when I create a document in Word, 
> it is saved in Open Office, which doesn't have some of the editing features
> of  Word.  The question is how do I make Word the primary without removing 
> OpenOffice?
> Thanks,

I didn't know there was a legal way to download Microsoft Word!  How did you 
pull that off?

Not only that, but MS Word doesn't natively, nor by default if the plugin is 
installed, want to save in ODF.  (Open Document Format).

I'm thinking you mean that you want OpenOffice Writer to be your primary Word 
processor?  I'm also curious about what OpenOffice Writer "can't" do that 
apparently Word can.  I haven't found anything generally that Writer is short 

I use it for Sermon Prep, and outlining very often, and I use MS Word at work.
However, if in fact you want a lower quality Word Processor to be your 
primary, then in Windows, if you right click on a document (file.doc) and 
select "open with" you should have an option to choose.  I'm not in Windows, 
so I'm having to go from memory.  After you choose MS Word, click on the 
check box at the bottom that says something to the affect of "use this choice 
as the default" or "Always use this application". and then click OK.

See Ya'
Howard Coles Jr.
John 3:16!

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