On Thu, 20 Sep 2007 21:18:02 -0400

> Do you like seeing the same questions asked several times a day 
> everyday? There are a lot of casual users on Windows, and now 
> apparently MAC as well, who do not even try to find an answer to 
> their question they just go to the site find the e-mail address 
> that they think is going to one person or paid support and ask 
> their question that was already answered 6 times today and 
> yesterday and the day before etc. etc. etc.
> Also if the people who so readily give the answers to those FAQs 
> would stop doing it and start pointing the person to the archive or 
> the FAQ page on the website, then some of it would stop and some of 
> these casual users would learn how to think for them selves and 
> find their answers without annoying 1000s of people on the list 
> with the same old FAQs.
> Maybe these people don't know what FAQ (Frequently Asked Question) 
> is and don't realize that the FAQs probably contain their answer 
> and they could have found it quicker rather than later waiting for 
> someone on this list to send them the answer.

What I really love about the list is all of the above plus the fact
that we have this discussion on average about once a month. (That's
irony for those who missed it)

Whatever your philosophy about using this as a means of helping people,
it's pretty obvious that the current method of letting anyone post
anything is pretty well broken.

If people had to subscribe before they could post, and if they were
directed to a well-crafted list of FAQ's that they had to say they had
read before their subscription was accepted, that would reduce the
volume of the list to about 1/3 of what it is. overcoming the often
stated objection that newcomers might be overwhelmed by the volume of
the list.

The irony in all this is that the aim of making the list more
accessible to new users who might not understand what mailing lists are
about is in fact making it more difficult for experienced users to help
those newbies.

God bless you,

Keith Bates
4 Mooloobar St
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