In another thread, Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
Can someone please explain:

1) what makes a message appear as [moderated] (I know that it means someone
moderated the message, but why does/would that happen)?

I've been wondering the same thing, but have started a new thread so as not to repeat the sins of other posters ;-) ...

2) What this "YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE" in the subject line (that buries
the summary in my gmail) means and how it got there (and why people don't
remove it)?

I get the feeling that many folks here simply do not know mailing list "netiquette" and probably are not to be blamed for their own actions. But I wonder how many folks (and I'm just about frustrated enough by the lack of care and thought folks put into their posts here to be counted among them) simply mass-delete all the messages that have no Subject, or that say "YOU MUST GIVE A SUMMARY HERE", or that give a completely uninformative subject such as "Help Me!" whereas they would be *so* much more likely to get a proper and useful answer if they instead bothered to summarize details such as "Cannot print after upgrading to XP SP2".

I suspect that the msgs with that strange subject line are being entered in some kind of web form or by clicking a mailto: link from someone's page. If the former, please start putting up a *blank* subject field and use a javascript to verify that the author has entered a Subject. If the latter, please make the Subject field blank in the mailto link because at the very least most folks email programs will put up an alert reminding them to enter a subject if the field is left blank. Of course that alert could be overriden ... nothing in the world is truly bulletproof but we can at least try to tidy up a bit ...


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