
jonathon wrote:
Scott wrote:

How long does it typically take for a bug report to get "Confirmed?"

However long it takes to get 5 votes.  For some issues that can be a
couple of days.  For other that will never happen.

come on, you know that this is nonsense. Most possibly you forgot the smiley at the end of your statement. There are and have been millions of issues without any vote, and they all got fixed -> ;-)

This was input a week ago, and it doesn't appear that a developer has
even looked at it yet:

There are issues that were filed  four years ago that have never been
looked at by a developer, let alone confirmed
how do you know who looked at an issue?
To confirm an issue, it must be reproducible. If only some submitters have ever seen the bug, as in this case, no one who hasn't seen it can confirm it. Nor can he fix it. There is no Issuezilla input field "Believe / don't believe" or something like that.


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