On Friday 19 October 2007 07:11:00 Brian Barker wrote:
> At 00:48 19/10/2007 -0400, Noname Gates wrote:
> >On Thursday 18 October 2007 03:00:40 Heather Mathis wrote:
> > > Hi...I have a serious problem ...
> >
> >One thing I see. You said it was 2 am but the time stamp on the
> >e-mail shows it was 3 am. Your clock on your computer is not set
> >correctly. You could have the time set wrong and/or the daylight
> >saving turned on or off.
> Come, come!  The original questioner's timestamp (2 a.m.
> GMT-0500) was perfectly correct.  The reason her 2 a.m. appeared
> to you as 3 a.m. was just that you choose to have your mail
> client configured to display timestamps to you converted to your
> time zone rather than left in their original form.  And you
> happen to (claim to be) one time zone away from her.  That's your
> choice, of course, but it doesn't make other people's times
> wrong!
> Brian Barker

I see we have a know it all on the list.

You are so wrong. I have not setup my e-mail client to change the 
timestamp to conform to my time zone. I have my Clock in the BIOS 
set to UTC and I have told Linux to use that for the clock setting 
in the OS. My mail client KMail uses whatever the setting is in the 

Unless you have changed your settings you will see that the 
timestamp is one hour different from what time she said it was just 
before she sent her post. She also acknowledged seeing some weird 
timestamps on her e-mail.

Windows has a problem at times with keeping the time set correctly. 
It will change the time by one hour before or after the correct 
time. It usually has to do with the BIOS clock and the OS clock 
setting and the daylight saving switch. I work with Windows systems 
everyday in customer sites and see this happen a lot. I have to 
correct it or it messes up the software I support if it is wrong.

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