On Nov 12, 2007 8:40 PM, George S. Appleton Sr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hello, I'm running Windows XP SP2 and I also have Outlook 2007 for
> e-mailing. My problem is when I send a e-mail out after writing a letter
> on
> Writer, the other people with Hotmail and Vista P. can't open my file?
>  Also
> why does it have to be sent as an Attachment and NOT go right into the
> e-mail? Is there a setting I have to know in order for others to open my
> letters? I like this Suite and getting better at it, but not good at
> reading
> books, maybe send me what to click on if it can be fixed, thanks a lot;
> George S. Appleton Sr.
> Sounds like the folks you're sending to have Word. Word won't read the
files Writer creates as its standard format (an format approved by an
international standards body I might add).

In any case, so your correspondents can read the files you send them...
Save the documents you create in MS Word format. Optionally set Writer so it
saves in MS Word format by default. Last propose to your correspondents that
they too switch to the free suite you're using. Steps for the first two
options are as follows:

To save in Word format:
- for a new document select File>Save from the menu
- for a document that has been saved previously select File>Save As...
from the menu
- fill in the File Name if needed (there will be a name showing if the
file was saved previously)
- from the "Save as type" list select the appropriate MSWord type,
e.g. "Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP"
- make sure "Automatic file name extension is checked" (this setting
will be remembered)
- click the "Save" button

To change the default so it always saves in Word format
- select Tool>Options... from the menu
- open the Load/Save branch
- select the General item on this branch
- look for the "Default file format" settings near the bottom middle
- - set the Document type to Text document
- - set the Always save as option to Microsoft Word 97/2000/XP
- click the OK button

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