On 5 Dec 2007 at 11:01, Mike Lichtenstein wrote:

> Hello,
> This is my first time writing to the group.

Welcome aboard.

> I recently used, and convinced my Calculus group, to use OO Math in
> order to input a Calculus II project for a presentation.  We ran into a
> problem when we could not find a symbol for "Evaluated from a to b",
> such as the small attached image (I hope that is allowed), or something
> similar to this:
>      |b
> f(x)|
>      |a
> We ended up just creating it in a graphics program and creating jpgs
> from the OO Math file, which does not seem like the correct way to do
> this at all.

It's not, except as a very last resort. :-)

I've not used the equation editor in anger, but how about something 

left[ a over b right]_x ^y

which sidesteps the problem - square brackets used to be appropriate 
instead of a line, I believe: I've not done stuff like this for too 
many years!!

(I looked in 
which is a bit dated.)
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