On Mon, January 21, 2008 8:39 am, Dotan Cohen wrote:

>> 2) Any environmental club should be one of the last places to adopt
>>    and support Microsoft software, see the links in the "Environment"
>>    paragraph at http://digifreedom.net/node/103 (it may even be
>>    interesting to challenge them with those arguments publicly, on the
>>    University newspaper or something)

> I did read the environmental page, but in my opinion it is not
> specific enough to this problem to want quotation. Also, while it does
> touch upon third world countries, it is very US-centric. We are in
> neither a third world country nor the US.

I assume by "environmental page" you mean http://digifreedom.net/node/81
Third world countries receive the e-waste of every other country, not just
the US. The _examples_ may be US-centered, but that's just because it is
easier to find US examples online: the problem as such does exist in every
Since I'm working on the second edition and any feedback is really useful,
I'd really appreciate if you could elaborate (off list, of course) on your
comments above, so I can correct any limit in that chapter and improve it.

> I did mention to them that as environmentalists they should understand
> that I'm not conforming to their demands that I use MS Office because
> they themselves must stand up to the whims of corporations

If I may suggest a slightly different approach, environmentalists have a
duty to not use or encourage usage of Microsoft software because such
software is, see proofs in the references I provided, the one which more
concretely, albeit indirectly, harms the environment, period.

This is true and measurable no matter where that software comes from: it
would still be valid if MS Office and Windows were GPL software distributed
for free.

Don't mention corporations, capitalism, fighting conformism or anything of
the sort.
Challenge them, possibly in public through some University bulletin or
similar, only at the concrete pollution level: they'll have no ground to
ignore such a challenge, not without damaging their own reputation, at

Let me know how it goes,
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