On 02/10/2008 10:01 PM, James Elliott - WA Rural Computers wrote:
> Hi NoOp
> I have 768 MB RAM which should be plenty for OOo running under Windows XP.
> James

If a program is causing a memory leak and/or abnormally using resources
it won't matter if you have 4G of ram, it will just take longer for the
resources to get eaten up & noticed by the user.  It's sort of like
filling a containter with water... if you have pint container it takes a
shorter time to overflow vs a gallon (and no I'll not get into metric vs
US vs :-), either way they both get filled and will overflow unless
there is a proper mechanism to: 1) turn off the water source, and/or 2)
some water is removed from the container periodically and released for
others to use.



Your problem may or may not be related to a memory/resource issue.
However when you'd mentioned that rebooting/restarting seems to
temporarily fix the problem, then memory/resources would be the first
place that I'd look.

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