Hi I am using  the XL program.

I am trying with all my might to put together a small website for a non
profit car club and am being met with continual unsurmountable problems for

Example in Chapter 16 on page 3 it states that all I have to do save a
writer document as a web page is go to Save as--> from file menu and be sure
to specify where you want to save it of course (and specify HTML document.
Well that's OK but when I try a pop up says I can't save certain things this
way and they are right. If I click yes it loses all of my graphics and all I
have left is the text and a bunch of gobbledygook where the graphics used to
be and it will scatter the web page into many different pages.

If I click no all the document transfers OK but I don't have a HTML file to
work with I am exactly where I started from. Is there a way around this? I
can't find one after 4 weeks of struggle. This kind of thing goes on
throughout the instructions, it says to do it this way and the program won't

I am beginning to wonder if I am ever going to get this site done as I am
still sitting on the same step now for over 2-1/2 months, or if OpenOffice
really will allow me to put together a website and get it on line. 

Am I using the wrong program because the directions say plain and simple
that OpenOffice will do this very easily.

I have the web pages mostly finished but I cannot get them into a HTML file
format in order to proceed with my project.
HELP!!!!!!!! Lots of it please.

Also is there a way to get embedded music into a web page? I think I might
be able to do this but I can't get anything into my "gallery" in order to
draw this information from. How ya do this? I got a graphic into the file OK
with drag and drop but can't get it out. 

I used drag and drop on a single song from the song list in Windows Media
Player and it looked like it was going over but when it got there I got, now
get this, 145,445 pages of HTML language on all pages and now I cannot do
anything with the program at all. This happened several times so I quit.

Is there any help out there for somebody who is not a computer guru?
Many thanks.


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