At 17:55 01/03/2008 -0600, Wade Smart wrote:
I have a column that I have been painfully editing by hand. The column has times recorded like : 0723, 1046, 1755, and so on. I'm color coding the times by hand:

1 = 0500 - 1000
2 = 1000 - 1400
3 = 1400 - 1800
4 = 1800 - 2000
5 = 2000 - 2200

Is there a way that I can automate this?

There are two techniques that suggests themselves (neither if which quite do what you need):

o Go to Format | Cells | Numbers. Enter conditional formatting in the "Format code" window. For example:
This will give your first category red text and your second green, whilst later times will be blue. (The figures included represent 10:00 and 14:00 - each expressed as a fraction of a day.) The problem here is twofold. You can control only the text colour and not other aspects of formatting, such as background colour. And you can set only two conditions and consequently three outcomes, whereas you need at least four and five respectively.

o Go to Format | Conditional Formatting... . Here you can set more complicated conditions. You can either set a (limited) condition on the cell value itself, or else refer to the logical value of a formula in another cell, which can be arbitrarily complicated, of course. Since with this technique you apply the formatting using cell styles, you have a wider choice of formatting styles, including background colour. But you are still limited, I think, this time to three conditions and four outcomes - less than you need.

Your question is slightly ambiguous. The above (unsuccessful) techniques are directed at creating a spreadsheet where you could enter values and they would assume the colour markup automatically. But you may have just the simpler task of marking up an existing, fixed list. If this is so, there may be a technique which could save you time:

o  If necessary, fill a column parallel to your values with numbers in order.
o Use Data | Sort... to sort your data so that the times are in order, ensuring that you carry along any associated columns (so that you do not lose the association) and your new column of numbers. o You can now easily select each of your time segments as consecutive blocks of values and then apply the relevant formatting only once for each of your five time intervals. o Now use Data | Sort... on the whole block again, this time sorting by the extra column you inserted, so as to return your data to its original order and position. For this sort, it is important that you have "Include formats" ticked on the Options tab of the Sort dialogue. With this tick, the formatting you have applied will move back along with the values; without the tick, the values would return but the formatting would stay in place - which is not what you want.

In fact, even if you needed to add to or modify your time data later, it might still be quicker and more reliable to use this technique to apply the necessary formatting.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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