Michele wrote:
Thanks Brian. I didnt make it clear - sorry about that.

Let me clarify

Day Date Time - value, value

I rearranged the sheet so it reads Time Date Dat Value Value and then
sorted by time. I color coded but at that point - you are stuck at a
point where you cant get the values back into the same order as they
were before. You can order the columns by Date Time Date Value Value and
then sort by date but the times arent correct. But then again - it wont
matter as the cells that are color coded wont maintain the color after
the next sort.

Hello Wade,

What I understood Brian was suggesting was to add a "service column" where
you just have progressive numbers and use that column to restore the
original order of the data once you have coloured them.
So your spreadsheet would be
Day Date Time - value, value -- "sequence number"
And the operations:
Sort by time
sort by sequence number

You can also rather easily write a macro that colours the backgrounds of the
cells. You can probably put it together in 20 minutes or so depending on
your experience with StarBasic.



03022008 1704 GMT-6

Ok. I didnt get that fully but that makes more sense - service column.
But since I have lots of daily data to input the macro makes more sense. Any good tutorials you know of for that?


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