I have purchased some sheets of peel-off labels. On the packet is all the information I needed to create a table with cells exactly matching the size of the labels. So far, so good - all I have to do is to type data into the table cells and it prints out on the labels in the way required.

However, in one instance I wanted to put two addresses on labels to be stuck onto the back of seminar tickets (the invitee has the choice of two venues, and the addresses of the two venues are on the back of the ticket. I thought I would insert a 2-column table into each cell of my previous table. After doing that, if I go to the Table Menu and choose: Select > Table, it always selects the newer, smaller table, even if I have the cursor in and empty cell of the larger table. To select the larger table, I first have to delete the smaller one.

Can anyone shed any light on what I might be doing wrong - or is this a bug?

Many thanks, James

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