[CC'd to user]
kesavan ram kumar wrote:
> I  have been using Openofffice.org writer for about an year or so. I
> also have the Openoffice.org (ver 2.4).
> Well. For students of medical transcription and legal coding, MS
> Office Word  has a special feature called Window.  (This option is
> available under "File  Edit View... etc., - when you open the text
> editor  for document writing). Using this module and other options
> contained in it, we can compare the original document associated with
> a voice file in 'side by side', 'split' and 'cascading' modes
> (original document and the copy created by the user - one below the
> other) - while listening to the associated voice file. [..]

In OpenOffice: Window|New Window.
That will provide you with two copies of the same document in two windows, 
which you can move/resize as required on your screen. Changes made to one 
window will be reflected in the other. Alternativley, you can open a 
different document in that second window.

Bob Long

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