On 12 May 2008 at 9:29, Harold Fuchs wrote:

> You can do this. How convenient it is depends on exactly how the "64 widened
> columns" are distributed within the sheet:
> 1. Left click on the letter of the first column to be changed.
> 2. Select the columns to be changed:
> a) If the columns to be changed are contiguous, hold down the Shift key and
> left click on letter of the last column to be changed - all the columns from
> first clicked to last clicked inclusive will be selected;
> b) if the columns are not contiguous, hold down the Ctrl key and then left
> click on each column's letter in turn - again, all of them will be selected.
> c) you can select a disconnected set of contiguous regions e.g c-f, h-j, x-z
> with judicious use of the Shift and Ctrl keys.
> 3. Right click on the letter belonging to one of the selected columns and
> choose Column Width. Change it to what you want and click OK.
> You can also deselect a few columns by selecting all of them and applying
> the above procedure - left clicking a column's letter is a toggle: it
> selects an unselected column and deselects a selected one. To select all the
> columns, either click in the field where colum letters and row numbers meet
> (as described in the previous e-mail) or by using Edit>Select All or by
> hitting Ctrl-A.
> The principle here is that changing the column width (#3) affects all
> *selected* columns.
> This is perhaps not 100% what is wanted because the width of *new* columns
> will not be what you set at #3 above. But I think it's close ...

Looks agonizing for a large spreadsheet where row/column sizes may 
have been changed in 'sparse' groups. And also very prone to error - 
could one be /sure/ to get the selection correct?

It looks as though cells need attributes like "default h/v size" 
(which is /not/ what the existing tick-box is about!) - the attribute 
being set by default, and cleared if the size is manually altered.

But you could ask the same for any attribute - eg colour: "I've set a 
few cells here and there in my 100,000 cell spreadsheet to bright red 
- I'd like to set the rest to green". I can't see a general way of 
handling this type of problem - and is it reasonable anyway?

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