On 05/22/2008 03:57 PM, Fred A. Miller wrote:
> James Knott wrote:

>>>> You might want to check your computer clock.  It appears to be off by
>>>> several hours.
>>> Thanks, James! I've be messing with openSUSE Betta 3 and now am back to
>>> 10.3. 'Guess I missed setting the clock correctly. :(
>>> Fred
>> You apparently replied to my note almost 12 hours before I sent it!  ;-)
>> Have you considered using an NTP clock?  There are lots of them around
>> the world and they'll keep your clock accurate.  I use one to
>> synchronize my computer clock and when I compare it with a clock that's
>> synchronized  with WWVB, they're right on the same time, within a
>> fraction of a second.
> I ALWAYS use NTP clock.....just forgot to set it up. ;) Note the correct
> time?
> Fred

Consider using http://www.ntp.org/

You'll save the key ntp servers from getting hammered.

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