Wade Smart wrote:
Tony Venn wrote:
I work on MAC with OSX, and I have a full commercial working version of the Office programs. People keep sending CVs and documents to me in DOCX format - how do i open or convert these into normal word documents?

When you say "full commercial working version of the Office programs" do you mean you have MS Office for Mac installed? OpenOffice.org 2.4?

There are a few choices for converting the docs into something you can read.

You can use an online converter such as: http://docx-converter.com/ There are many out there... this is just one that I found with a Google search... this is not a site recommendation, just an example.

You can ask the person sending you the document to send in a more compatible format.

You can install the OpenOffice.org 3.0 Beta which can open docx files.

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