> I want a customer support telephone #.
> Shay Owens

As others are trying to explain, Open Office is a free program and 
should not be charged for.  It would appear that you paid some (IMO) 
unscrupolous person who sold you something that is completely and 
totally free.  Under some circumstances and if the fees are minimal, 
that can be legal but from the troubles you're having that may not be 
the case.  Please read on:

This IS the OpenOffice Support group, but it has nothing to do with 
whoever may have sold you Open Office.
   The Open Office software is not intended to be distributed by any 
third party unless that party is willing to take on the care and support 
of the issues involved, which apparently is happening to you.  Open 
Office is NOT intended to be sold.  It is sort of a public domain 
software intended to be free to the masses and with no strings an any 
kind, even in the licensing of such software.  The license does allow 
selling it under certain circumstances, but the cost should still have 
been minimal if it's Open Office.

   So, since this is not a retail or even wholesale sales organization, 
there is no phone number.  All this group is, is a bunch of people like 
yourself who have gotten together to help each other with getting past 
problems they may discover while using the software.  The people who 
actually wrote, or who work with those who wrote, many parts of Open 
Office also participate in this group, and the advice is normally top 
notch.  So feel free to ask for any help you may need, but please 
realize there is no company relationship here with anyone that sells or 
charges in any way for Open Office that I am aware of.

So, with respect to getting help using Open Office, you're in the right 
place.  Lots of help available here!

With respect to any moneys that changed hands or promises made during 
such transaction, phone numbers, etc.,  there is nothing this group can 
do because no one here knows anything about who/where you bought it.
   I do know it would help is you would tell the group where you bought 
the software from and any related information you do have; it seems they 
would like to lodge complaints against this person or investigate to see 
if the license is being avoided.  But anything more than help with the 
program would be the responsibility of whoever sold you the software.

That is NOT to say you will not recieve help here with Open Office.

  See Harold Fuch's post to you and follow his suggestions closely.  Be 
as precise as you can and include all the information you can.  The more 
precise you can be, the quicker someone can help you out.

Hope this helps,


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