> Twayne wrote:
>>>   The Open Office software is not intended to be distributed by any
>>> third party unless that party is willing to take on the care and
>>> support of the issues involved,
> Richard Detwiler:
>> Is this correct? This is the first I heard that if I give or sell
>> OpenOffice to someone, then I am responsible for providing support
>> to that person.
> I don't think Twayne was implying any legal obligation, more a moral
> one. "is not intended" does not mean the same as "is forbidden to be".
> If I write some free software and give it away, I am not intending
> that people should sell it and not offer any added value for the sale.
> That doesn't mean it's forbidden, just that it isn't what I'd ideally
> like.
> It looks like quite a few people are posting on this list having
> purchased OOo and are getting nothing of additional value for the
> money that they have shelled out. Sorry, folks, looks like someone
> ripped you off by selling you something that should be free. Please
> don't take it out on us, we're just a user group. We'll help you - for
> free - just as much as we'd help anyone that downloaded it and paid
> nothing.
> Phil Hibbs.

Thanks Phil, you're pretty much correct.  I guess I could have/should 
have been clearer, but I was trying to get ideas across to the OP 
without a lot of tech-eze that might turn him/her off. It's easy to lose 
track and write a book sometimes, especially when you get into the 
details, and lose your audience.
   I hate that people get ripped off for no good reason otherwise I'd 
have kept quiet.  In the end that sort of thing just puts a bad taste in 
a person's mouth whether they liked OO.o or not.
   Wonder if the PTB ever considered a public, non-signup, moderated 
group just for purposes like this issue is/was.  I realize you CAN post 
without signing up, but ... it's not a clean process nor easy for those 
who simply need some clarifications of what's up.  That gets around the 
"not on the list", "not copied because ... " and all that stuff.  I 
suppose it might be a lot of work but I'd monitor it if there was such a 
group here.  If it's even feasible under this sytem; I know it's not 
really intended to be a newsgroup.  Glad it is, though.  Just thinking 
out loud, I guess.


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