I apologize to those who receive this again.  I was wondering if
anyone can tell me why I can't resize the document converter window as
shown at


I've tried reinstalling office and activating Java engine.  I'm
running on Ubuntu Hardy Heron.


On Fri, Jul 18, 2008 at 2:58 AM, mike scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 18 Jul 2008 at 7:53, Paul wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >>  Thanks to all that responded.  Yes, the field is in a table in Writer.  I
>> > just used an alphabet capital O instead of a numeric 0.  It is just a login
>> > so I don't have to manipulate the data.  I looked in options and couldn't
>> > find a way to change the display.
>> > Thanks again,
>> >
>> This is weird. I have OOo3.0 Beta and my zero's are not stripped when
>> inputting into a table in writer.
>> Maybe it is just the specific dev build that your using.
> 2.4.x/XP seems OK too.
> Probably miles off the mark, but I wonder if the OP has inserted a
> Calc object into a Writer document and mis-described this as a
> "table". It's the only way I can see from here of causing anything
> like this effect.
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