On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 9:27 PM, Robert Nelson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a preliminary version of the new vzpkg utilities ready for testing.
> These new tools support creating templates for 32 and 64 bit flavours of the
> following:
>   Centos 4 and 5,
>   Fedora 7, 8 and 9,
>   Debian Sarge and Etch,
>   Ubuntu Feisty, Gutsy and Hardy.
> They are extensible and will eventually support OpenSUSE and Gentoo.

Fantastic! Thanks for doing this and for sharing. Will definitely be
taking a look at this.

> In addition, I've created pkg-cacher, a transparent caching proxy daemon
> optimized for Debian and RPM packages.  It is based on apt-cacher version
> 1.6.4 available with Debian.  This version has been modified to understand
> RedHat RPM repositiories.  It also adds support for the HTTP Range header
> and deals correctly with files which have the same name but different
> content on different distributions or in some cases different versions of
> the same distribution.

In my experience I've found that just setting up Squid and telling my
different machines to use the proxy (Acquire::http::Proxy
"http://proxy.hostname:3128/";;) has been the best pacakge caching

Works accross different packaging systems too.

> In order to make installation easy I've setup repositories for 32 and 64 bit
> versions of CentOS 4, 5 and Fedora 7, 8 and 9.  I'll be producing packages
> for Debian and Ubuntu as HN later.

I can help with Debian packages if you need.


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