Hello Robert,

i've built a debian vzpkg2 package, but need the source of pkg-cacher as
well, but cannot be download from

So please fix, that the packge depends are working,

Thanks and by,
Thorsten Schifferdecker

Am Sa, 6.09.2008, 05:27, schrieb Robert Nelson:
> I have a preliminary version of the new vzenpkg utilities ready for
> These new tools support creating templates for 32 and 64 bit flavours of
> the following:
>     Centos 4 and 5,
>     Fedora 7, 8 and 9,
>     Debian Sarge and Etch,
>     Ubuntu Feisty, Gutsy and Hardy.
> They are extensible and will eventually support OpenSUSE and Gentoo.
> In addition, I've created pkg-cacher, a transparent caching proxy daemon
> optimized for Debian and RPM packages.  It is based on apt-cacher
> version 1.6.4 available with Debian.  This version has been modified to
> understand RedHat RPM repositiories.  It also adds support for the HTTP
> Range header and deals correctly with files which have the same name but
> different content on different distributions or in some cases different
> versions of the same distribution.
> The pkg-cacher source is available on
> http://gforge.opensource-sw.net/projects/pkg_cacher.
> The source for the new vzpkg and templates is available on
> git.opensource-sw.net.  You can browse the source using the url
> http://git.opensource-sw.net/.  In order to clone the updated source use
> the command "git clone http://git.opensource-sw.net/git/vzpkg";.  The
> templates are available using "git clone
> http://git.opensource-sw.net/git/vztmpl";.
> In order to make installation easy I've setup repositories for 32 and 64
> bit versions of CentOS 4, 5 and Fedora 7, 8 and 9.  I'll be producing
> packages for Debian and Ubuntu as HN later.
> Please let me know of any issues or suggestions.
> Step by step installation instructions are below:
> Existing install)
>     Backup your existing /vz/template directory
>     Uninstall vzpkg and any vztmpl-* packages.
> New install)
>     wget http://download.openvz.org/openvz.repo -P /etc/yum.repos.d
>     Enable appropriate OpenVZ kernel
>     yum install vzctl
>     service vz start
>     echo -n 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward
> For CentOS:
>     wget http://repo.opensource-sw.net/ossw_centos.repo -P
> /etc/yum.repos.d
> For Fedora:
>     wget http://repo.opensource-sw.net/ossw_fedora.repo -P
> /etc/yum.repos.d
> yum install vzpkg2 vztmpl2-centos vztmpl2-fedora vztmpl2-debian
> vztmpl2-ubuntu
> yum install pkg-cacher
> Add the following to /etc/vz/vz.conf
> #
> # Replace hostname with the IP address or name of the server running
> pkg-cacher.
> # Don't use localhost, it must be a name resolvable from within the
> container.
> VZPKG_CACHE_HOST=hostname:3142
> #
> # Network information for updating templates for Debian, Ubuntu
> # and other distributions that need network access.
> #
> # Adjust these to suit your network.
> #
> # Temporary static IP address used by the container while updating the
> # cached template.
> #
> # Default domain suffix to append to host names that aren't fully
> qualified.
> VZPKG_SEARCH=example.com
> #
> # List of DNS servers
> #
> cd /etc/vz/dists
> cp fedora-8.conf fedora-9.conf
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