Robert Nelson wrote:
Kir Kolyshkin wrote:
(My own solution to this is to have a list of URLs to a few packages comprising a minimal system in which rpm could work, and then download/unpack (using rpm2cpio | cpio -id) those into a newly created empty container. When we can run rpm --initdb inside and do 'yum install <full list of packages>". The bad thing about that is (per-distro per-version list of) hard-coded package names and inability to use packages from "updates" repo since they are ever-changing (but packages in "base" repo should be OK).

2. Is it possible to have opensuse template metadata? AFAIK opensuse lacks yum and "you" (YaST Online Updater) should be used instead.

I'm working on that now :-)

OpenSUSE uses rpms and supports yum, but their command line tool is zypper, gui is YaST. Both YaST and zypper use yum/rpm compatible repositories.

The problem I've hit is a slight difference in version checking. If you have a requirement that is EQ and it doesn't include a revision just a version then zypper accepts any revision yum barfs.

Well I spent the day and a half working on OpenSUSE, what a frustration.

OpenSUSE 11.0 introduced an incompatible compression scheme (LZMA) into rpm. OpenSUSE doesn't have separate repositories for i386 and x86_64 so yum installs packages based on the architecture of the machine it is running on, not the target. Building an i386 template actually creates an x86_64 one on an x86_64 HN. This can be overridden using /etc/rpm/platform but it doesn't respect --installroot.

As a result of the above I have OpenSUSE 10.X templates that mostly work for both 32 and 64 bit. There are still issues with the init scripts not running. I think this is due to OpenSUSE's reliance on starting everything from bootwait, but I haven't spent a lot of time looking into it. Manually running "service network start" works fine. Also vzctl stop doesn't work properly. You need to do a vzctl exec <n> halt from another window to make the CT actually go away. Same thing running shutdown from within the CT. Once again I haven't spent a bunch of time investigating. Tools such as zypper work fine within the container.

I'm not sure what to do about 11.X. It is possible to install a 10.3 system and then upgrade it to 11.

I expect OpenSUSE support is a project for someone with more of a need for OpenSUSE and a lot more patience than I :-)

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